With this healing modality, the goal is to locate the body's imbalances, blocks and dysfunctions so we can better help the body restore its physical and energetic balance. Once we begin utilizing the Biomagnetic Pranic Healing technique, shifts within the body begin to occur. At first, the body’s overall pH and energy begin to regain balance. This is important because pathogens thrive when they have the perfect environment to do so, which is either acidic or alkaline depending on the pathogen’s preference. As the pH in your body begins to neutralize, you begin to awaken your body's healing system - which is also known as your immune system. The strength of your immune system is highly dependent upon your pH and energy levels. The more neutral and balanced your pH and energy, the stronger your immune system and body's ability is to heal itself. This also causes the body to regain its overall strength and vitality, especially the parts of the body that were affected. As your immune system regains its strength, it is able to detect and rid of any toxins that reside in the body, both physically and energetically. Energetic toxins can be anything from suppressed emotions, lingering thoughts that flood the mind, unspoken words that become suppressed in the throat, absorbed energy from surrounding environments, or energetic attachments from others. The list goes on and on. These are just some examples of what can get released and cleared during the Biomagnetic Pranic Healing sessions.
*Biomagnetic Pranic Healing can be used to help with any health issues. Here is a list of some of the conditions we've treated in the past:
Acne | Allergies | Alzheimer’s | Anemia | Autism | Back Pain | Bipolar Disorders | Bronchitis | Candida | Chronic Fatigue | Circulation Issues | Carpal Tunnel | Crohn’s Disease | Depression | Diabetes 1 & 2 | Digestive Disorders | Emotional Issues (feelings of disconnection & ungroundedness) | Energetic blocks and much more | Erectile Dysfunction | Fibromyalgia | Heavy Metal Poisoning | Herpes | High Blood Pressure | HIV/AIDS | Hormone Imbalances | Infections | Insomnia | Irritable Bowel Syndrome | Lyme Disease | Lupus | Migraines | Menopause | Parasites | Parkinson’s Disease | pH Imbalance | Seizures | Skin Disorders | Stress | Thyroid Issues | Various Type of Cancer | Vertigo | Weight Issues