Mar. 5th - Mar. 17th

Dioscuri (Dee-o-skoori)
April 14th - April 27th
This Star is also known as The Twin Star
Things that help us feel secure, so that we can develop a peace of mind, feel safe and happy. Our home is a place that makes us feel at peace and during this phase, all things related to our home, real estate, land and surrounding environment become the focus. Whether you want to make changes in your home, sell your home or simply invest in property, it’s all supported. If the energy in your home has been feeling off or stagnate, then it’s time to cleanse and purify your home. Perform a little Feng Shui or Vastu, to enhance the energy in your space. In this phase, we may also feel inspired to be creative and create something new. Get involved in the arts, writing, design, inventions or whatever you feel inspired to do. Use this time to tap into your creative intelligence and give birth to something new, exciting and inspirational. Children can also be part of the creative process. Spend some time with your children, make plans with your partner to have children of your own or donate to a children’s organization. This phase also supports the development of our skills and talents. Love and our heart’s desire is another focus and if you’re in a relationship, step into your romantic side a bit more and have a little fun with your mate. If you’re not in a relationship, then this is a good time to start dating. Have your friends set you up with someone, get on a dating site or put yourself out there. If you’ve been thinking about investing, this is the perfect time to get involved. We may also feel inclined to devote ourselves to do some spiritual work or perform some rituals, such as praying, chanting mantras or affirmations.
The number of this phase is the number 4. This energy is all about manifesting our material desires. This energy is very creative, beautiful and magnetic and we should take this time to create something that can attract the results we are seeking.
The animal totem that rules over this phase is the Python. The Python is very powerful and brings forth many rewarding abilities. It strengthens our desire for growth and position in ourselves and others. It symbolizes transformation and gets us to shed the old or the things that restrict our growth, so that we can embrace the new and evolve. It allows us to shift perspectives and shed old beliefs as well.
Good for all types of beginnings and Initiations, especially those involved in learning new things, Good for all healing, Rejuvenation and Exercise, Good for improving physical appearance, Self-improvement on other levels and age prevention techniques, Equine related activities, Traveling, and Learning spiritual and occult sciences, Great for installing sacred items such as altars, statues, and temples and also favorable for taking up a new name.

Hades (Hay-Deez)
April 28th - May 11
This Star is also known as The Star of Restraint
our limitations and where we need to make adjustments in our life, so that we don’t feel limited in accessing our true potential. It gets us to focus on the things we must take care of, be responsible for and have a sense of duty towards, even if it’s not fulfilling us. Being of service and providing services to others also becomes the focus here. So, if you’ve been thinking of providing some of your services to others, now is a good time to do so. This phase gets us to put in hard work and effort, so that we can overcome any obstacles or challenges that set us back from our current focus. If you’ve been looking for work or to be hired by someone, then now is the time to act. It’s time to put in the work, put yourself out there and get a little competitive. Our relationship with our health and physical body also becomes the focus here. It’s time to step it up with our health and body and do whatever is necessary to maintain it, look after it and develop a daily routine of diet, nutrition, exercise and healing work. If you’re already doing so, then maybe it’s to change it up a bit. If you don’t already have a routine, then it’s time to step it up, develop a plan and a routine. This phase also focuses on our debt and doing whatever it takes to overcome it. We need to put in the hard work, effort and discipline to become debt free.
The number of this phase is the number 5. This energy plays a huge role in healing the parts of the self that we’ve been neglecting. This energy is all about connecting to the ancients or our ancestral lineage, either through spiritual practices or through research to gain more insight.
The animal totem that rules over this phase is the Cobra. The Cobra represents the primordial life force, which can help awaken our inner power and overcome all forms of ignorance. The Cobra strengthens our intuition, which can provide us with the much-needed insight to see and understand things clearly.
Travel (as it relates to traffic jams and accidents), Not good for activities that require serenity, peace and calmness, Best for endings not beginnings.

Vesta (Vest-a)
May 12th - May 24th
This Star is also known as The Star of Fire
Other people and how we affect and influence others or the public. We focus on the relationships that we have with others, beginning with our romantic or marriage partners. This is the time to strengthen our relationships and reestablish balance, union, and overall, a deep connection. If you’ve been dating someone for a while, then maybe it’s time to take your love to the next level. If you’re not in a relationship, then maybe it’s time to put yourself out there and connect with others. This phase also supports networking, connecting with clients, establishing business partnerships or taking some time to connect with your business partner’s. All things related to contracts and agreements also become the focus here. If you’re unsure of a contract or agreement, get a professional to look over the details before you sign. We can also expect to be a bit more productive than usual, so take advantage and focus on the things you want accomplish. You can focus on your to do list, work on pending projects, focus on your goals, plans or whatever you desire in the moment.
The number of this phase is the number 6. This energy grants us success and rewarding gains due to all the effort, struggles and hard work that we’ve put in. This energy also empowers us with the opportunity to let go of the old, to allow the new to manifest and take form.
The animal totem that rules over this phase, is the Wolf. The Wolf symbolizes many things, including bringing people together or creating a sense of community. The Wolf is also about mastery and focusing on one thing at a time, so that mastery and consistency can be achieved. It helps promote and strengthen partnerships and relationships, which can also help establish unity. The Wolf also provides us with important resources that can lead to success or successful outcomes.
Giving up old habits, Making quick changes and sudden endings, Leadership and Executive ability, Making important decisions, Military activities and interests, Standing up for oneself, All activities that involve the use of heat or fire, All mothering and nurturing activities, Good for starting educational ventures and most activities are favorable during this time.

Pasiphae (Pass-if-phay)
May 25th - June 7th
This Star is also known as The Star of Ascent
Making changes in our life, transforming ourselves, letting go of the old or outdated parts of ourselves and allowing the new to take form. In doing so, we take a look at our shadow self, which is the part of us that holds us back and makes us uncomfortable. It’s also our trauma, our fears and our insecurities. We are then left with a choice, we either love, heal and make peace with it or we continue to feed into it and fear it. When we love, heal and make peace with our shadow self, we transform our fears and insecurities into strengths and become transformational agents of change. This phase gets us to reevaluate or reassess the things we need to move forward with and the things we need to end and put behind us. This is also a good time to explore the depth of any project or subject, which makes it great for researching, investigating and revealing the truth in things. This phase is also great for learning or exploring the occult or secretive side of things, such as the occult sciences, psychology, psychic ability, transformational therapies, kundalini and the UFO phenomena. This phase focuses on our addictive patterns or the things we place a great deal of attachment towards, so that we can work on them and see if we can do without them. Additive patterns can be anything from emotional addiction, food addiction, drug addiction and/or the attachments we have to others. This phase also focuses on money that comes through others, such as inheritances, insurance policies, wills, tax returns, divorce, lotteries or clients. It’s a good time to focus on these and ensure that everything is being taken care of and in order.
The number of this phase is the number 7. The energy of 7 brings forth its spiritual strength, fearlessness, and transformative power to get through the challenges and suddenness of this phase.
The animal totem that rules over this phase, is the Cat. The Cat symbolizes renewal, regeneration and revitalization. It indicates that it’s time to bring forth new growth and abundance. Let us renew ourselves in the areas we feel is needed, so that we can feel good again, prosperous again and light again.
Over-Indulging (especially sexually or sensually), taking advantage of others through manipulation.

Prometheus (Pro-me-thee-us)
June 8th - June 21st
This Star is also known as The Searching Star
Our dharma and living in alignment with our dharma, our purpose in life or simply living life with purpose. When we follow our dharma, we feel inspired, we feel happy, and we know we are doing the right thing. Our careers give us a sense of purpose and through it, we feel inspired to take action, to step into our power and empower others to live their life with greater purpose. We also have the opportunity to be recognized through our actions, our career and through the impact we have on society. All things related to our career and the things we need to do to advance in our career, our profession, our dharma and/or positions of authority are supported here. This phase also focuses on higher learning or education which means taking classes, courses, expanding our knowledgeable expertise in things. It’s also great for taking on teaching roles, advising roles and giving knowledge to others. The need to travel and explore other places for growth, work or for enjoyment will also be the focus here. This phase also reminds us that we possess the power of free will or choice and if we can let go of the influence and attachments of our limited beliefs, it allows us to truly choose what “we” believe. It also reminds us that we have the power to become our own masters by using free will to truly determine our own fate and when we free our minds from the misconceptions that hold us back, we can realize this fact and free our soul-selves. Overall, this is a phase where we can simply relax a little, feel free and expand. It gets us to not worry too much about money or future plans because things don’t feel as complicated as before. We recognize, welcome and accept that things will result in greater fulfillment and happiness.
The number of this phase is the number 8. The energy of 8 symbolizes responsibility, discipline, humility, and non-attachment. As this energy comes through us, we may find ourselves not only having the discipline and responsibility to carry things out, but to do so with humility. This energy is also about non-attachment, letting go of the things or people in our life who are preventing us from moving forward or holding us back.
The animal totem that rules over this phase, is the Ram. The Ram gets us to focus our power in an intelligent and efficient manner, so that we can realize greatness and success. When we seek out expert advice from knowledgeable experts or professionals, we have the capacity to maximize our greatness and success in all our endeavors.
Travel, exploring nature, sightseeing, sexual activity, all types of artistic work, healing and rejuvenation practices, socializing and making connections with others, changing residence, all activities requiring communication, setting up altars (religious items & performing spiritual initiations) and advertising and sales activity.

Typhon (Tie-fon)
June 22nd - July 5th
This Star is also known as The Perfect Storm
Our goals, plans, and ambitions that help shape our lives. It’s the things we desire the most and that we want to accomplish. This makes it the perfect time to focus our energy and motivation on our goals, plans and the things that make us happy, so that we can bring them into fruition. Here, we are also provided with the perfect opportunity to successfully complete any pending projects. This phase also focuses on our friendships, the people we feel connected to and derive a sense of support from. It’s time to connect and network with like-minded people, affluent or powerful people and to get involved with local communities and organizations. When we connect with others, we exchange ideas and resources and through this, we open a door to new opportunities. These opportunities help us advance, grow and expand in life. As we grow and advance, so does our wealth. We also have the potential to gain financially through our profits, our career or through our investments. We can also use this time to develop new streams of income. This phase also focuses on our spiritual goals and doing things that make us feel spiritually aligned. To feel spiritually aligned, we can practice things like meditation, yoga, tai chi and qi gong. We can also embark on a spiritual journey, go on a retreat, pray, chant mantras or practice the art of non-attachment.
The number of this phase is the number 9. This energy represents action, motivation, focused drive, and accomplishing whatever task is at hand. We get things done and make full use of our time. In doing so, we can accomplish whatever we want.
The animal totem that rules over this phase, is the Lynx. The Lynx is mysterious, secretive and full of energy. It can bring forth the power of awareness and intuition. It helps us achieve every major goal that we have in mind. We become determined to remove obstructions from our path, so that we can live an unbounded life and motivate others to achieve the same.
Activities related to one’s profession, discarding old and worn-out habits and objects, good for research and creative activities, and Propitiating fierce deities such as Hecate (Kali) and Typhon (Siva).

Artemis (Art-te-mis)
July 6th - July 19th
This Star is also known as The Star of Renewal
Everything having to do with the self, our outlook on life, our interactions with the world, and how we are perceived by the world. We have the ability to embrace and express our true self and do whatever is necessary to be in alignment with our true self and the things we identify with. We tend to feel more confident and have a stronger sense of who we are. We also have the potential to make some positive changes in our life, so that we can improve and advance ourselves. We start by becoming more aware of our body and our health and doing whatever is necessary to strengthen this part of ourselves. We can get involved in physical exercise routines, adopt healthier habits or implement positive changes into our lifestyle. This phase can motivate us to focus on our path in life and getting back into alignment with our path, our life’s purpose. We tend to feel more optimistic, motivated and ready to act towards something new, a new beginning, a new adventure and a new sense of self.
The number of this phase is the number 10. This vibration represents creativity, power, clarity, and confidence. This energy is about tapping into our own power, so that a deeper sense of empowerment can be established that can also help strengthen our self-confidence. It also powers our ability to see things clearly and see past illusions.
The animal totem that rules over this phase is the Rat. The Rat is very resourceful and is always coming up with new ways of doing things. The Rat prepares us to take on any challenge and overcome any obstacle that presents itself. The Rat is about balance and gets us to balance all aspects of our life, so that we don’t burn out easily. It serves as a reminder that we need to relax from time to time and incorporate some fun into our busy life.
Traveling and exploring, making pilgrimages, all healing activities including taking herbs, all agricultural and gardening activities, all activities requiring imagination and innovation, starting higher education or learning, donations or charity work, teaching, spiritual activities (like fasting, installing altars, meditation, and self-reflection), worshipping the Divine Mother Goddess.

Zeus (Zoos)
July 20th - August 2nd
This Star is also known as The Star of Nourishment
Our financial health, prosperity, our earning capacity and our attitude towards money. It’s a time where things begin to work more in our favor and feel a sense of accomplishment and success. It’s great for focusing on all things related to business, beauty and the finer things in life. It gets us to focus and take care of our responsibilities or the things we value the most, such as our family, our possessions and close friends. The things that we value can also be things that we devote ourselves to, so that we can reap the enjoyment, peace and harmony that it brings into our life. This phase will also focus on our speech, our voice and speaking our truth. Things like writing, giving advice, singing or teaching, are great ways to use the power of our voice. This phase will also focus on food, our dietary habits, supplements, the things we are putting into our bodies. So that we can be more mindful and adopt healthier habits.
The number of this phase is the Master Number 11. With the Divine Feminine energy taking place here, this represents a time of union, balance, & bringing together the conscious self, with the shadow self. It also sparks creative & artistic expression, making it the best time to express our creative ability.
The animal totem that rules over this phase is the Mink. The Mink is known for being a survivor. It knows how to manage its energy and resources very well and in a balanced manner. It encourages us to adopt healthy habits and limit the toxic ones. It influences us with a positive attitude and strong communication skills.
Great for starting new endeavors, Celebrations, Artistic and Creative activities (especially music and dancing), Traveling, Financial planning and transactions, All healing, Soothing, and Nourishing activities in general, Religious or spiritual endeavors like initiations, Seeking help in general and worshipping Mother Goddess energies.

Hydra (Hi-drah)
August 3rd - August 16th
This Star is also known as The Clinging Star
The courage that is needed, to be able to face whatever obstacles, challenges or difficulties that come our way. We realize that in order to overcome these difficult situations and obstacles, we need to develop patience, perseverance and willpower. We also need to be mindful and think things through before we act. Otherwise, we’ll find ourselves in situations that we may regret. This phase can also make us a little competitive, which is great for competitive sports, physical fitness, yoga, tai chi, qi gong or any form of athleticism. It’s also a phase where we can embark on short journeys, travels, road trips or a quick drive. With all this moving around, it’s normal to feel mentally active, energized and ready to absorb information. This is great for receiving information, reading, learning and sharing information. Our ability to communicate, whether it be through social media, our phones, the internet or through simple conversations will also be the focus. So, if you’ve been waiting to write a blog, a book or start a podcast, now is the time to make it happen.
The number of this phase is the number 12. With great creative power, comes great artistic responsibility, which is the best way to define this energy. We may feel inclined to express our creative and artistic gifts and design some of our most inspirational and empowering work.
The animal totem that rules over this phase is the Bull. The Bull brings forth physical strength and power to help overcome any obstacles that stands in our way. The Bull is always ready to transform and fulfill its purpose and it empowers us to do the same.
Marriage, Buying a home, Meditation or Spiritual practice of any kind, Good time to stay under the radar, Borrowing money or lending money.

Persephone (Per-sef-onee)
August 17th - August 30th
This Star is also known as The Great Star
Things that help us feel secure, so that we can develop a peace of mind, feel safe and happy. Our home is a place that makes us feel at peace and during this phase, all things related to our home, real estate, land and surrounding environment become the focus. Whether you want to make changes in your home, sell your home or simply invest in property, it’s all supported. If the energy in your home has been feeling off or stagnate, then it’s time to cleanse and purify your home. Perform a little Feng Shui or Vastu, to enhance the energy in your space. In this phase, we may also feel inspired to be creative and create something new. Get involved in the arts, writing, design, inventions or whatever you feel inspired to do. Use this time to tap into your creative intelligence and give birth to something new, exciting and inspirational. Children can also be part of the creative process. Spend some time with your children, make plans with your partner to have children of your own or donate to a children’s organization. This phase also supports the development of our skills and talents. Love and our heart’s desire is another focus and if you’re in a relationship, step into your romantic side a bit more and have a little fun with your mate. If you’re not in a relationship, then this is a good time to start dating. Have your friends set you up with someone, get on a dating site or put yourself out there. If you’ve been thinking about investing, this is the perfect time to get involved. We may also feel inclined to devote ourselves to do some spiritual work or perform some rituals, such as praying, chanting mantras or affirmations.
The number of this phase is the number 13. This energy allows us to harness Our inner creative, inspirational, and transformative power, making this a powerful time to be productive and perform our greatest work.
The animal totem that rules over this phase is the Buffalo. The Buffalo’s energy brings forth peace, practicality, stability and access to our hidden skills or talents. The Buffalo encourages us to establish clear and healthy boundaries with ourselves and others. Clarify what’s important to you so that your relationship with others can be good and balanced. Understand that it’s ok to say no to things or people, especially when it comes to setting or maintaining boundaries.
Ceremonies of all types, Marriage ceremonies, Stage and Public performances whether it involves music, Oratory or Drama, Historical/Classical studies and research, Upgrading to higher and better quality in possessions including Jobs, Undertaking career strategies, Job promotions, Promoting tradition or family, Learning music and dancing, Buying homes, Studying ancient knowledge, Religious activities of all types especially those involving ancestor worship and For seeking favors from powerful people, Government and other authority figures.

Bacchus (Bach-us)
August 31st - September 13th
Poorva Phalguni
This Star is also known as The Fruit of The Tree Star
Our limitations and where we need to make adjustments in our life, so that we don’t feel limited in accessing our true potential. It gets us to focus on the things we must take care of, be responsible for and have a sense of duty towards, even if it’s not fulfilling us. Being of service and providing services to others also becomes the focus here. So, if you’ve been thinking of providing some of your services to others, now is a good time to do so. This phase gets us to put in hard work and effort, so that we can overcome any obstacles or challenges that set us back from our current focus. If you’ve been looking for work or to be hired by someone, then now is the time to act. It’s time to put in the work, put yourself out there and get a little competitive. Our relationship with our health and physical body also becomes the focus here. It’s time to step it up with our health and body and do whatever is necessary to maintain it, look after it and develop a daily routine of diet, nutrition, exercise and healing work. If you’re already doing so, then maybe it’s to change it up a bit. If you don’t already have a routine, then it’s time to step it up, develop a plan and a routine. This phase also focuses on our debt and doing whatever it takes to overcome it. We need to put in the hard work, effort and discipline to become debt free.
The number of this phase is the number 14. This energy focuses on achieving the most beautiful things on both a spiritual and material level.
The animal totem that rules over this phase is the Tiger. The Tiger’s energy is power and has the ability to supercharge and amplify our own energy, providing us with a much-needed endurance to keep moving and pushing forward in life. The Tiger also brings forth the fire element, which plays an important role in keeping us sharp and focused.
All activities that require letting go of ego, starting new things, Intellectual activities.

Hymenaeus (Hi-mo-nae-ous)
September 14th - September 26th
Uttara Phalguni
This Star is also known as The Star of Patronage
Other people and how we affect and influence others or the public. We focus on the relationships that we have with others, beginning with our romantic or marriage partners. This is the time to strengthen our relationships and reestablish balance, union, and overall, a deep connection. If you’ve been dating someone for a while, then maybe it’s time to take your love to the next level. If you’re not in a relationship, then maybe it’s time to put yourself out there and connect with others. This phase also supports networking, connecting with clients, establishing business partnerships or taking some time to connect with your business partner’s. All things related to contracts and agreements also become the focus here. If you’re unsure of a contract or agreement, get a professional to look over the details before you sign. We can also expect to be a bit more productive than usual, so take advantage and focus on the things you want accomplish. You can focus on your to do list, work on pending projects, focus on your goals, plans or whatever you desire in the moment.
The number of this phase is the number 15. This energy represents many things such as the power of worship by honoring and respecting the higher powers, the power to bring people together and be recognized for all that we do for others, which can materialize powerful forms abundance.
The animal totem that rules over this phase, is the Bison. The Bison’s energy brings forth many things including consistency, blessings, and prosperity. It reminds us that as we are giving and being there for others, we must also be there for ourselves and nurture ourselves as well. When we achieve this balance, we the ability to realize our true strength and willpower.
Marriage, Sexual activity, Long lasting clubs, Organizations, and Societies, Dealing higher authorities, Buying property or entering a new home for the first time, Openings/Inauguration ceremonies/Swearing in type of activities, Making promises, Performing sacred ceremonies, Career related ceremonies, Paternal activities, Starting mantras, Installing altars or Deities, Healing and treating diseases, Giving advice and Good counsel, and Service ventures.

Sol (Sole)
September 27th - October 13th
This Star is also known as The Skilled Star
Making changes in our life, transforming ourselves, letting go of the old or outdated parts of ourselves and allowing the new to take form. In doing so, we take a look at our shadow self, which is the part of us that holds us back and makes us uncomfortable. It’s also our trauma, our fears and our insecurities. We are then left with a choice, we either love, heal and make peace with it or we continue to feed into it and fear it. When we love, heal and make peace with our shadow self, we transform our fears and insecurities into strengths and become transformational agents of change. This phase gets us to reevaluate or reassess the things we need to move forward with and the things we need to end and put behind us. This is also a good time to explore the depth of any project or subject, which makes it great for researching, investigating and revealing the truth in things. This phase is also great for learning or exploring the occult or secretive side of things, such as the occult sciences, psychology, psychic ability, transformational therapies, kundalini and the UFO phenomena. This phase focuses on our addictive patterns or the things we place a great deal of attachment towards, so that we can work on them and see if we can do without them. Additive patterns can be anything from emotional addiction, food addiction, drug addiction and/or the attachments we have to others. This phase also focuses on money that comes through others, such as inheritances, insurance policies, wills, tax returns, divorce, lotteries or clients. It’s a good time to focus on these and ensure that everything is being taken care of and in order.
The number of this phase is the number 16. This energy grants us the strength to overcome all obstacles and rise in power. This energy can also enhance our sexual energy for the sole purpose of transforming it into spiritual energy, so that it can fuel and expand our awareness.
The animal totem that rules over this phase, is the Bengal Tiger. The Bengal Tiger energy is capable of many things, considering its connection to both the Sun and Moon. The Bengal Tiger is always ready to help us change and transform into our true power and potential. It not only fuels us with the energy from the Sun and Moon, but it also protects us from those who try to attach to us and drain us from all our resources.
Planning long term goals and objectives, does not support relaxation or inactivity, executive ability, maturity and nighttime activities.

Vulcan (Vul-can)
October 14th - October 23rd
This Star is also known as The Star of Opportunity
Our dharma and living in alignment with our dharma, our purpose in life or simply living life with purpose. When we follow our dharma, we feel inspired, we feel happy, and we know we are doing the right thing. Our careers give us a sense of purpose and through it, we feel inspired to take action, to step into our power and empower others to live their life with greater purpose. We also have the opportunity to be recognized through our actions, our career and through the impact we have on society. All things related to our career and the things we need to do to advance in our career, our profession, our dharma and/or positions of authority are supported here. This phase also focuses on higher learning or education which means taking classes, courses, expanding our knowledgeable expertise in things. It’s also great for taking on teaching roles, advising roles and giving knowledge to others. The need to travel and explore other places for growth, work or for enjoyment will also be the focus here. This phase also reminds us that we possess the power of free will or choice and if we can let go of the influence and attachments of our limited beliefs, it allows us to truly choose what “we” believe. It also reminds us that we have the power to become our own masters by using free will to truly determine our own fate and when we free our minds from the misconceptions that hold us back, we can realize this fact and free our soul-selves. Overall, this is a phase where we can simply relax a little, feel free and expand. It gets us to not worry too much about money or future plans because things don’t feel as complicated as before. We recognize, welcome and accept that things will result in greater fulfillment and happiness.
The number of this phase is the number 17. This energy gets us to focus on forming and renewing relationships that increase our prosperity, mutual support, and ongoing success.
The animal totem that rules over this phase, is the Rabbit. The Rabbit’s energy has always been associated with the Moon, which can nourish and stabilize the mind on multiple levels. The Rabbit can help strengthen our personalities, making it easier to network and establish new friendships. The Rabbit also symbolizes a deep creative power that we all possess, and it encourages us to tap into our own creative power and use it to create something new, inspirational and transformational.
Health and Body improvement measures, buying new clothes & wearing them, fixing up residences, home designing, any activity related to arts and crafts, creative activity in general, any type of mechanical activities, good for giving performances, putting on gemstones and jewelry for the first time, decorative activities, good for spiritual practices like visualizations, all issues relating to the opposite sex, good for collecting herbs, preparing medicines, and receiving healing therapies, good for all activities requiring charisma, elegance and personal charm.

Favonius (Fav-o-nee-us)
October 24th - November 6th
This Star is also known as The Self-Going Star
Our goals, plans, and ambitions that help shape our lives. It’s the things we desire the most and that we want to accomplish. This makes it the perfect time to focus our energy and motivation on our goals, plans and the things that make us happy, so that we can bring them into fruition. Here, we are also provided with the perfect opportunity to successfully complete any pending projects. This phase also focuses on our friendships, the people we feel connected to and derive a sense of support from. It’s time to connect and network with like-minded people, affluent or powerful people and to get involved with local communities and organizations. When we connect with others, we exchange ideas and resources and through this, we open a door to new opportunities. These opportunities help us advance, grow and expand in life. As we grow and advance, so does our wealth. We also have the potential to gain financially through our profits, our career or through our investments. We can also use this time to develop new streams of income. This phase also focuses on our spiritual goals and doing things that make us feel spiritually aligned. To feel spiritually aligned, we can practice things like meditation, yoga, tai chi and qi gong. We can also embark on a spiritual journey, go on a retreat, pray, chant mantras or practice the art of non-attachment.
The number of this phase is the number 18. This energy gets us to step into our power, so that we can rise, overcome and conquer.
The animal totem that rules over this phase, is the Jack Rabbit. The Jack Rabbit’s energy is an active one and it provides us with the ability to initiate and get things going. The Jack Rabbit also brings forth keen intuition and observation that allows us to point out good opportunities and make positive connections.
Business and trade activities, starting any educational venture, learning in general, social activities, networking and events, dealing with the public, and buying and selling in general.

Dinus (Die-noos)
November 7th - November 19th
This Star is also known as The Star of Purpose
Everything having to do with the self, our outlook on life, our interactions with the world, and how we are perceived by the world. We have the ability to embrace and express our true self and do whatever is necessary to be in alignment with our true self and the things we identify with. We tend to feel more confident and have a stronger sense of who we are. We also have the potential to make some positive changes in our life, so that we can improve and advance ourselves. We start by becoming more aware of our body and our health and doing whatever is necessary to strengthen this part of ourselves. We can get involved in physical exercise routines, adopt healthier habits or implement positive changes into our lifestyle. This phase can motivate us to focus on our path in life and getting back into alignment with our path, our life’s purpose. We tend to feel more optimistic, motivated and ready to act towards something new, a new beginning, a new adventure and a new sense of self.
The number of this phase is the number 19. This energy grants us the strength and determination to win, to maximize our efforts, and to fight as a leader. It’s an energy that helps us fight our way through the challenges and obstacles that life throws our way, so that we can rise up to victory.
The animal totem that rules over this phase, is the Jackal. The Jackal blesses us with confidence, intelligence, mystical wisdom and guides us to a new beginning, a new chapter in life.
Any activity requiring executive ability, getting things done which require an argumentative approach, any activity that requires strong mental focus, working towards one’s goals, all types of ceremonies, functions, parties, award or decoration ceremonies, decorating oneself, romance and sexual activity, and making resolutions.

Urania (Your-ae-nee-a)
November 20th - December 2nd
This Star is also known as The Star of Success
Our financial health, prosperity, our earning capacity and our attitude towards money. It’s a time where things begin to work more in our favor and feel a sense of accomplishment and success. It’s great for focusing on all things related to business, beauty and the finer things in life. It gets us to focus and take care of our responsibilities or the things we value the most, such as our family, our possessions and close friends. The things that we value can also be things that we devote ourselves to, so that we can reap the enjoyment, peace and harmony that it brings into our life. This phase will also focus on our speech, our voice and speaking our truth. Things like writing, giving advice, singing or teaching, are great ways to use the power of our voice. This phase will also focus on food, our dietary habits, supplements, the things we are putting into our bodies. So that we can be more mindful and adopt healthier habits.
The number of this phase is the number 20. This energy is all about making connections and connecting everything and everyone together. It grants us the power to link people together by connecting and guiding them towards their appropriate path in life. This energy also focuses on making choices that enhance and support our lives, that help us see the good and bad, the positive and negative, so that we can realize the success in life that we’ve always wanted.
The animal totem that rules over this phase, is the Monkey. The Monkey brings forth keen insight, strong communication, and clarity. It also blesses us with good luck and the ability to adapt to the incoming changes. With its quick learning abilities, we should take advantage and learn as much as we can about ourselves, so that we can continue to grow and evolve in our own way.
Group related activities, Research and study with sciences or occult sciences, Meditation, Exploring nature, Managerial activities that require on the spot decision making, Travel or Change of residence, Immigration and dealing with all foreign affairs, Healing work, Finances and accounting, and Quiet reflection, Artistic pursuits, Marriage, and Sexual activity.

Parca (Park-a)
December 3rd - December 15th
This Star is also known as The Chief Star
The courage that is needed, to be able to face whatever obstacles, challenges or difficulties that come our way. We realize that in order to overcome these difficult situations and obstacles, we need to develop patience, perseverance and willpower. We also need to be mindful and think things through before we act. Otherwise, we’ll find ourselves in situations that we may regret. This phase can also make us a little competitive, which is great for competitive sports, physical fitness, yoga, tai chi, qi gong or any form of athleticism. It’s also a phase where we can embark on short journeys, travels, road trips or a quick drive. With all this moving around, it’s normal to feel mentally active, energized and ready to absorb information. This is great for receiving information, reading, learning and sharing information. Our ability to communicate, whether it be through social media, our phones, the internet or through simple conversations will also be the focus. So, if you’ve been waiting to write a blog, a book or start a podcast, now is the time to make it happen.
The number of this phase is the number 21. This energy empowers us to give 110% to all our tasks, to be able to harness all our power, so that we can pour it into all of our endeavors and be successful.
The animal totem that rules over this phase, is the Mongoose. The Mongoose brings forth the ability to maneuver over delays and obstacles and destroy negative influences that slow us down or hold us back. It also provides a powerful vision that helps us see things clearer and with confidence.
Wallowing in (Depression & resentment or having hard attitude), Infidelity, Selfishness or self-centricity, Taking advantage of others, Marriage, Healing, Any dealing that require a lot of tact, Sensitivity, gentleness.

Hecate (Hec-ah-tay)
December 16th - December 28th
This Star is also known as The Root Star
Things that help us feel secure, so that we can develop a peace of mind, feel safe and happy. Our home is a place that makes us feel at peace and during this phase, all things related to our home, real estate, land and surrounding environment become the focus. Whether you want to make changes in your home, sell your home or simply invest in property, it’s all supported. If the energy in your home has been feeling off or stagnate, then it’s time to cleanse and purify your home. Perform a little Feng Shui or Vastu, to enhance the energy in your space. In this phase, we may also feel inspired to be creative and create something new. Get involved in the arts, writing, design, inventions or whatever you feel inspired to do. Use this time to tap into your creative intelligence and give birth to something new, exciting and inspirational. Children can also be part of the creative process. Spend some time with your children, make plans with your partner to have children of your own or donate to a children’s organization. This phase also supports the development of our skills and talents. Love and our heart’s desire is another focus and if you’re in a relationship, step into your romantic side a bit more and have a little fun with your mate. If you’re not in a relationship, then this is a good time to start dating. Have your friends set you up with someone, get on a dating site or put yourself out there. If you’ve been thinking about investing, this is the perfect time to get involved. We may also feel inclined to devote ourselves to do some spiritual work or perform some rituals, such as praying, chanting mantras or affirmations.
The number of this phase is the Master number 22. This master vibration is one of the few energies that inspires us towards becoming more spiritually aware and open. It provides us with the power to connect, make connections, to link all things together and become deeply aware and in-tune with ourselves and others.
The animal totem that rules over this phase, is the Monkey. The Monkey is smart and encourages us to see things from every angle and visualize every possible outcome. It motivates us to socialize a bit more, so that we can establish deep connections with others. When we do, we learn more about others and ourselves, which is key in helping us evolve as people.
Deep meditations (that focus on overcoming deep fears & Fierce deities), Activities involving getting down to the root of a matter, Gathering together of knowledge and people, Ayurveda work (Administering herbs and Medicines, Consultations, Body work), Agricultural activities (Planting, Gardening), Laying foundations for houses (Construction work, Buying/Selling homes), Expressing sexuality, Adventures, Self-exploration, The study and initiation of the occult realms and sciences, Surgeries, and Getting rid of negative influences.

Ceto (Kay-toe)
December 29th - January 10th
Poorva Asadha
This Star is also known as The Invincible Star
Our limitations and where we need to make adjustments in our life, so that we don’t feel limited in accessing our true potential. It gets us to focus on the things we must take care of, be responsible for and have a sense of duty towards, even if it’s not fulfilling us. Being of service and providing services to others also becomes the focus here. So, if you’ve been thinking of providing some of your services to others, now is a good time to do so. This phase gets us to put in hard work and effort, so that we can overcome any obstacles or challenges that set us back from our current focus. If you’ve been looking for work or to be hired by someone, then now is the time to act. It’s time to put in the work, put yourself out there and get a little competitive. Our relationship with our health and physical body also becomes the focus here. It’s time to step it up with our health and body and do whatever is necessary to maintain it, look after it and develop a daily routine of diet, nutrition, exercise and healing work. If you’re already doing so, then maybe it’s to change it up a bit. If you don’t already have a routine, then it’s time to step it up, develop a plan and a routine. This phase also focuses on our debt and doing whatever it takes to overcome it. We need to put in the hard work, effort and discipline to become debt free.
The number of this phase is the number 23. This energy influences us with brilliance, power, and inspiration, so that we can feel motivated to advance our careers with abundance.
The animal totem that rules over this phase, is the Lion. The Lion is known for its strong connection to the Moon. It provides us with a deep understanding on a subconscious level, which allows us to understand some of the difficulties we me be currently experiencing. The Lion strengthens our ability to balance all aspects of life, which also includes our mind. It also blesses us with the courage and power that is needed, to move forward in life and to overcome any difficulties that stand in our way.
Not a good time for calm or inner reflection, Not good for endings unless they promise a brighter future or higher step up the ladder, On-land journeys and swimming.

Natura (Naut-oo-ra)
January 11th - January 23rd
Uttara Asadha
This Star is also known as The Universal Star
Other people and how we affect and influence others or the public. We focus on the relationships that we have with others, beginning with our romantic or marriage partners. This is the time to strengthen our relationships and reestablish balance, union, and overall, a deep connection. If you’ve been dating someone for a while, then maybe it’s time to take your love to the next level. If you’re not in a relationship, then maybe it’s time to put yourself out there and connect with others. This phase also supports networking, connecting with clients, establishing business partnerships or taking some time to connect with your business partner’s. All things related to contracts and agreements also become the focus here. If you’re unsure of a contract or agreement, get a professional to look over the details before you sign. We can also expect to be a bit more productive than usual, so take advantage and focus on the things you want accomplish. You can focus on your to do list, work on pending projects, focus on your goals, plans or whatever you desire in the moment.
The number of this phase is the number 24. This energy encourages us to create an environment of wholeness, so that healing and the parts of us that we wish to improve can take place.
The animal totem that rules over this phase, is the Horse. The Horse grants us the strength that we need to be able move forward towards success and advancement. It represents freedom and independence from life’s attachments or to the things that do not promote growth or that hold us back from achieving our ultimate goals in life.
Beginning new things, Laying foundations, All spiritual/religious activities and rituals, Activities requiring great discernment and Correct judgment, All types of business affairs, Signing contracts, Promotions, Dealing with and having authority, Artistic ventures, Marriage, sexual activity, Entering a new residence, and pretty much initiating any kind of activity.

Apollo (A-po-lo)
January 24th - February 5th
This Star is also known as The Star of Learning
Making changes in our life, transforming ourselves, letting go of the old or outdated parts of ourselves and allowing the new to take form. In doing so, we take a look at our shadow self, which is the part of us that holds us back and makes us uncomfortable. It’s also our trauma, our fears and our insecurities. We are then left with a choice, we either love, heal and make peace with it or we continue to feed into it and fear it. When we love, heal and make peace with our shadow self, we transform our fears and insecurities into strengths and become transformational agents of change. This phase gets us to reevaluate or reassess the things we need to move forward with and the things we need to end and put behind us. This is also a good time to explore the depth of any project or subject, which makes it great for researching, investigating and revealing the truth in things. This phase is also great for learning or exploring the occult or secretive side of things, such as the occult sciences, psychology, psychic ability, transformational therapies, kundalini and the UFO phenomena. This phase focuses on our addictive patterns or the things we place a great deal of attachment towards, so that we can work on them and see if we can do without them. Additive patterns can be anything from emotional addiction, food addiction, drug addiction and/or the attachments we have to others. This phase also focuses on money that comes through others, such as inheritances, insurance policies, wills, tax returns, divorce, lotteries or clients. It’s a good time to focus on these and ensure that everything is being taken care of and in order.
The number of this phase is the number 25. This energy brings forth the power to spark immense transformational growth that allows us to prosper in life on multiple levels.
The animal totem that rules over this phase, is the Mountain Lion. The Mountain Lion is a nocturnal creature, which often symbolizes authority and command over subconscious thought. Such a power comes in handy, especially when it comes to understanding and conquering our fears in life. With its symbolic connection to the Moon, it provides us with a deep intuitive knowing that helps strengthen and expand our mental insight. It also provides us with the strength to rise to the top and overcome adversity and be able to survive the most difficult and challenging environments.
Aggressive/uncertain or risky activities such as lawsuits, competitions etc., creative activities involving manual work, lending and making promises, marriage ceremonies, adopting children.

Muses (Mus-ses)
February 6th - February 19th
This Star is also known as The Star of Symphony
Our dharma and living in alignment with our dharma, our purpose in life or simply living life with purpose. When we follow our dharma, we feel inspired, we feel happy, and we know we are doing the right thing. Our careers give us a sense of purpose and through it, we feel inspired to take action, to step into our power and empower others to live their life with greater purpose. We also have the opportunity to be recognized through our actions, our career and through the impact we have on society. All things related to our career and the things we need to do to advance in our career, our profession, our dharma and/or positions of authority are supported here. This phase also focuses on higher learning or education which means taking classes, courses, expanding our knowledgeable expertise in things. It’s also great for taking on teaching roles, advising roles and giving knowledge to others. The need to travel and explore other places for growth, work or for enjoyment will also be the focus here. This phase also reminds us that we possess the power of free will or choice and if we can let go of the influence and attachments of our limited beliefs, it allows us to truly choose what “we” believe. It also reminds us that we have the power to become our own masters by using free will to truly determine our own fate and when we free our minds from the misconceptions that hold us back, we can realize this fact and free our soul-selves. Overall, this is a phase where we can simply relax a little, feel free and expand. It gets us to not worry too much about money or future plans because things don’t feel as complicated as before. We recognize, welcome and accept that things will result in greater fulfillment and happiness.
The number of this phase is the number 26. This energy empowers us to establish a connection with the nurturing and supporting elements of our personality and the world surrounding us, so that we can achieve optimal development and abundant rewards.
The animal totem that rules over this phase, is the Brahmin Cow. The Brahmin Cow is a sacred animal, and it has the potential to bless us with wealth and stability. It helps us establish and strengthen our career path and encourages us to help others in achieving the same.
Religious rituals and performances, beginning new ventures, entering a new house or buying property, medical actions and remedial measures, taking preventative measures of all kinds, listening to advice, social interactions and public involvement, learning new things, making and taking herbs and plant medicines and humanitarian actions in general.

Aegeon (Ae-gee-on)
February 20th - March 4th
This Star is also known as The Veiling Star
Everything having to do with the self, our outlook on life, our interactions with the world, and how we are perceived by the world. We have the ability to embrace and express our true self and do whatever is necessary to be in alignment with our true self and the things we identify with. We tend to feel more confident and have a stronger sense of who we are. We also have the potential to make some positive changes in our life, so that we can improve and advance ourselves. We start by becoming more aware of our body and our health and doing whatever is necessary to strengthen this part of ourselves. We can get involved in physical exercise routines, adopt healthier habits or implement positive changes into our lifestyle. This phase can motivate us to focus on our path in life and getting back into alignment with our path, our life’s purpose. We tend to feel more optimistic, motivated and ready to act towards something new, a new beginning, a new adventure and a new sense of self.
The number of this phase is the number 1. This energy brings forth the power of fire, creativity, power, independence, and strength. This is the perfect combination to overcome whatever obstacles stand in our way. It’s all about utilizing our creative power, to help us come up with creative ways of getting things done.
The animal totem that rules over this phase, is the Elephant. The Elephant is a very wise animal and provides us with the necessary insight to be able to understand all aspects of life. It blesses us with fortune, luck, and the ability to bulldoze through any obstacles, while also understanding the lessons behind each limitation.
Signing business deals and contract, land and housing deals, education or learning activities, travel, meditation and yoga, sexual activity, and media events.

Chimera (Kee-mare-a)
March 5th - March 17th
Poorva Bhadrapada
This Star is also known as The Ray of Light Star
Everything having to do with the self, our outlook on life, our interactions with the world, and how we are perceived by the world. We have the ability to embrace and express our true self and do whatever is necessary to be in alignment with our true self and the things we identify with. We tend to feel more confident and have a stronger sense of who we are. We also have the potential to make some positive changes in our life, so that we can improve and advance ourselves. We start by becoming more aware of our body and our health and doing whatever is necessary to strengthen this part of ourselves. We can get involved in physical exercise routines, adopt healthier habits or implement positive changes into our lifestyle. This phase can motivate us to focus on our path in life and getting back into alignment with our path, our life’s purpose. We tend to feel more optimistic, motivated and ready to act towards something new, a new beginning, a new adventure and a new sense of self.
The number of this phase is the number 1. This energy brings forth the power of fire, creativity, power, independence, and strength. This is the perfect combination to overcome whatever obstacles stand in our way. It’s all about utilizing our creative power, to help us come up with creative ways of getting things done.
The animal totem that rules over this phase, is the Elephant. The Elephant is a very wise animal and provides us with the necessary insight to be able to understand all aspects of life. It blesses us with fortune, luck, and the ability to bulldoze through any obstacles, while also understanding the lessons behind each limitation.
Uncertain and risky activities, all activities of a mechanical or technological nature, putting an end to things, agricultural activities, exploring deep rooted fears with a focus on understanding them and overcoming them, all activities connected with water (sailing, swimming etc.), business purchases, receiving mantras, building and construction.

Phorcus (Por-kus)
March 18th - March 31st
Uttara Bhadrapada
This Star is also known as The Warrior Star
Our financial health, prosperity, our earning capacity and our attitude towards money. It’s a time where things begin to work more in our favor and feel a sense of accomplishment and success. It’s great for focusing on all things related to business, beauty and the finer things in life. It gets us to focus and take care of our responsibilities or the things we value the most, such as our family, our possessions and close friends. The things that we value can also be things that we devote ourselves to, so that we can reap the enjoyment, peace and harmony that it brings into our life. This phase will also focus on our speech, our voice and speaking our truth. Things like writing, giving advice, singing or teaching, are great ways to use the power of our voice. This phase will also focus on food, our dietary habits, supplements, the things we are putting into our bodies. So that we can be more mindful and adopt healthier habits.
The number of this phase is the number 2. This energy focuses on removing the things that don’t support our growth and placing our focus on the things that do. This can be anything from toxic habits, relationships, mindsets etc. and replacing those with positive ones. The energy of 2 reminds us that we have to step into self-control and take responsibility for our growth and the success we want to achieve.
The animal totem that rules over this phase, is the Elephant. The Elephant is a very wise animal and provides us with insight in understanding all aspects of life. It blesses us with a creative power that should be used to accomplish all endeavors in life. The Elephant is also extremely creative, and it can provide us with a creative way of doing things. It also brings peace and healthy connections to things that matter most in life, especially when it comes to devoting ourselves to our spirituality.
Quiet and Peaceful activities, Research, Meditation, Psychic development, Astral exploration, Making promises (Pledges, Commitments, Marriage), Beginning construction activities (Home, office), Financial dealings, Artistic ventures, Treatment of diseases, Sexual activity, Entering a new home, Naming children (Organizations, Businesses), Planting (Gardening), Religious ceremonies, Visiting temples, and Establishing deep and solid foundations in life.

Hermaia (Her-maya)
April 1st - April 13th
This Star is also known as The Last Star
The courage that is needed, to be able to face whatever obstacles, challenges or difficulties that come our way. We realize that in order to overcome these difficult situations and obstacles, we need to develop patience, perseverance and willpower. We also need to be mindful and think things through before we act. Otherwise, we’ll find ourselves in situations that we may regret. This phase can also make us a little competitive, which is great for competitive sports, physical fitness, yoga, tai chi, qi gong or any form of athleticism. It’s also a phase where we can embark on short journeys, travels, road trips or a quick drive. With all this moving around, it’s normal to feel mentally active, energized and ready to absorb information. This is great for receiving information, reading, learning and sharing information. Our ability to communicate, whether it be through social media, our phones, the internet or through simple conversations will also be the focus. So, if you’ve been waiting to write a blog, a book or start a podcast, now is the time to make it happen.
The number of this phase is the number 3. This energy can manifest a great power, through what is called Agni or the sacred fire that resides within us all. This energy helps us burn up and destroy negativity from our life, both from within and around ourselves, with the result leading towards deep purification.
The animal totem that rules over this phase, is the Ram. The Ram is an interesting animal in the sense that it climbs the toughest and the highest terrains, just to get a view of the world. It equips us with the vision to see any issues at hand and to overcome it instantly. It also provides us with the power to overcome any fears that are preventing us from realizing our true power and potential.
Activities that require (Harshness & boldness), Not good for (Negative, sharp actions like surgery).