Get to know me.
Brian Garcia was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. He has been on a spiritual path that has led to the learning of various occult practices like Vedic Astrology/Jyotish, Asterian Astrology, Western & Vedic Numerology, Shamanism, Ayurveda and others for numerous years now.
Such practices have also led to the study of Psychology which he currently has a Bachelor’s of Arts Degree. Brian has also furthered his studies in the Healing Arts, where he’s traveled to multiple countries to learn various healing modalities. He currently holds multiple certifications as an Ayurvedic Counselor and Practitioner, Bio-Magnetic Pair Therapist, Emotional and Pranic Healing, and other forms of Energy Medicine. Brian learned Asterian Astrology as a student of Jade Sol Luna, where he continues to work with him in writing Asterian Astrology Horoscopes.
My Certifications
Ayurvedic Counselor & Practitioner
Bio-Magnetic Pair Therapist
Emotional & Pranic Healing
Vedic & Asterian Astrology
Bachelor's Degree in Psychology

Let’s Connect
Align yourself with the stars.
Get your Astrology Reading
or Biomagnetic Cleanse
and start feeling light on your feet.