Key Traits: Watery, Secretive, Fond of the Occult, Loves the unknown, Mysterious, Psychic, Highly Intuitive, Intense, Passionate, Sexual, Investigative, Jealous, Persevering, Resentful, Transformational/Agent of Change, Focuses on the Unknown.
Those born here like to explore the depths of anything they contact. Their Mars rulership gives them an affinity for physical expression and skill in martial endeavors. Yet, they can also devote themselves to matters of the mind, becoming talented researchers or therapists. Scorpios can easily become focused on the uses of energy, either external or internal, and techniques for these uses are often a fascination for them. They are quite perceptive as a rule, and form their views accordingly. Scorpios are not particularly flashy and may be underestimated as a result. Those born here can be difficult for others to figure out, as they keep their emotions a bit closer to the vest than the other Water signs. As such, they often appear mysterious or cautious. When their talents are improperly utilized, a Scorpio can become ensnared in the dark side of life. However, the proper channeling of their strengths leads to a deep, spiritually connected individual, someone in tune with their subconscious as well as their higher self. Using this connection, a Scorpio can reach great levels of true insight and a deep communion with the realm of spirit.