Key Traits: Earthy, Career Oriented, Disciplined, Authoritarian, Organizer, Persevering, Materialistic, Patient, Conservative, Serious, Miserable/Depressed, Strict, Focuses on Security.

In many ways, the most practical of the signs, Capricorn is often concerned with the material world. Those born here are hard-working, patient, and willing to play the long game. They value most of those things that come to them through their hard work. Often ambitious, they usually set lofty goals for themselves, and are willing to work long and hard to attain them. Capricorns are the businessmen of the zodiac, with clever and shrewd minds. They can be very mechanical as well, often excelling in the hard sciences and research. Paradoxically, Capricorns can also be rather humorous in their approach to life. Those born under this sign can experience obstacles in the attainment of their stated ends but use these setbacks as a foundation for even higher attainment. Capricorns are not easily dissuaded from the marks that they set for themselves. This obstinacy can make them difficult to deal with, especially if they perceive the aims of others as conflicting with their own. When mired in the material world, their spiritual growth is stunted. It is important, therefore, for Capricorns to learn to avoid workaholism, looking beyond the material to the spiritual underpinnings of the world.