Key Traits: Watery, Emotional, Moody, Caring, Nurturing, Supportive, Protective, Maternal. A Parent to everyone, Dependent, Attached, Sensitive, Intuitive, Strong, Need for Security, Focuses on Feelings.
People born here are generally friendly and nurturing. They care deeply about those close to them and are invested in having a good home life. Cancers are very protective and can lash out at those seen as a threat to their domestic peace. They follow their emotions in most matters, making them naturally responsive to the feeling tone of individuals, groups, and society as a whole. Cancer loves big ideas and can embark on large projects with great excitement. When they become fixated, however, their viewpoint can narrow to the point of ineffectiveness. Their ability to feel deeply can make them quite contemplative and considerate, but if they draw inward too much, surly defensiveness can assert itself. When confident, Cancers easily influence and lead others. This is because their natural affinity for sensing a situation’s emotion gives them an edge in their dealings with others. They can become rather devoted to anything into which they invest their emotions. They will then stick with it until they become completely disillusioned, and turn their investment elsewhere. When Cancers open themselves up to receiving the energy of spiritual truth, their compassionate bent can be used to the great advantage of everyone.