Key Traits: Airy, Humanitarian, Scientific, Intuitive, Visionary, Inventive, Natural Teacher, Eccentric, Futuristic, Technological, Mystical, Philosophical, Focuses on Innovation.
At their highest, those born here are free thinkers and innovators. Aquarians possess incisive minds, perceive clearly what needs to be done, and can invent the future. At their worst, they are self-critical, doubting of their abilities, feeling blocked, and confused. An evolved Aquarian is devoted to the good of humanity, even sacrificing their own needs for the collective. They are the champions of the oppressed. Unevolved Aquarians may find themselves degraded, while uncomplainingly accepting a repressed position in the world. Aquarians can rise to the greatest heights, or sink to the greatest depths. In any case, they are often seen as eccentric – either as original thinkers or as oddballs. Those born here are inherently spiritual, however, and can do well if they devote themselves to a spiritual path. Aquarians possess an ability to transcend the ego for their own greater development. In leadership positions, they can take their followers along a most exalted path by their inspiration. The major challenge for Aquarians is to use their ability to connect with spirit to uplift the rest of humanity. If their minds remain clear and they connect with their innovative tendencies, Aquarians can achieve much success in the spiritual realm.